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General Social Work Certificates in District of Columbia

District of Columbia General Social Work Certificate SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 District of Columbia school providing general social work certificates, and American University is the only option.

Check the only District of Columbia school providing social work studies certificates and social work colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other social work major or diploma.

DC general social work certificate schools:

American University - Social Work School Ranking
1. American University

Located in Washington

General social work certificates in nearby states:

University of Maryland College Park - Social Work School Ranking
University of Maryland College Park

Located in College Park, Maryland

University of Pittsburgh - Social Work School Ranking
University of Pittsburgh

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

George Mason University - Social Work School Ranking
George Mason University

Located in Fairfax, Virginia

Montclair State University - Social Work School Ranking
Montclair State University

Located in Montclair, New Jersey

Millersville University of Pennsylvania - Social Work School Ranking
Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Located in Millersville, Pennsylvania

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania - Social Work School Ranking
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Located in Kutztown, Pennsylvania

York College of Pennsylvania - Social Work School Ranking
York College of Pennsylvania

Located in York, Pennsylvania

Monmouth University - Social Work School Ranking
Monmouth University

Located in West Long Branch, New Jersey

Thomas Edison State University - Social Work School Ranking
Thomas Edison State University

Located in Trenton, New Jersey

American Public University System - Social Work School Ranking
American Public University System

Located in Charles Town, West Virginia

Virginia State University - Social Work School Ranking
Virginia State University

Located in Petersburg, Virginia

Chestnut Hill College - Social Work School Ranking
Chestnut Hill College

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Bryant & Stratton College Virginia Beach - Social Work School Ranking
Bryant & Stratton College Virginia Beach

Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Passaic County Community College - Social Work School Ranking
Passaic County Community College

Located in Paterson, New Jersey

Camden County College - Social Work School Ranking
Camden County College

Located in Blackwood, New Jersey

DC social work schools offering other certificates:

George Washington University - Social Work School Ranking
George Washington University

Located in Washington, 2 certificate programs

Other social work certificates in DC:

Public Administration: 2 schools
Community Services: 1 school

Other general social work diplomas in DC:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 4 schools
Master's Degrees: 3 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

District of Columbia social work schools by city:

Washington: 10 schools

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